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Seit 1979 die FDA (ähnlich dem deutschen Gesundheitsamt) in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika die Stimulation von Knochenwachstum genehmigt hat, wurden über 300.000 Patienten mit der Magnetfeldtherapie behandelt. Universitäten vieler Länder, die seit 1983 mit Magnetfeld- und Alpha Puls Therapie-Geräten arbeiten können die Erfolge bestätigen.

Bio Magnetic Medical Institut
für Arthritis und Sportverletzungen

Klein Auszug aus Referenzen


1985 St.Georg Hospital Hamburg, Dr. H. Einfeld : First experiences report using Alphatron therapy for healing Ulcera Crurum.

1990 Hospital St.Georg Hamburg, Dr. H.Einfeld – Department of Physical Therapy : Positive report after four year practice of magnetic field therapy with Alphatron 4100.

Hospital Services Union - Kaufbeuren-Ostallgäu: Treatment results during 1986 - 1987 using Alphatron 2100.

Clinic Dr. J. Mahn : Treatment results during 1986 -1988 with Alphatron 2100.

Orthopedic Clinic Dr. Prus - Wuppertal : Treatment results during 1985 - 1987 with Alphatron 3100X.

1984 Gynecology Clinic Dr. P.Werner -Goslar : Treatment results by gynecological diseases with Alphatron.

1993 Medizinische Physik. 24-th Science Meeting of German Society for Medical Physics.

Presented works with PEMF Alphatron 4100 including connected IR Laser Alphatron 72 ML. Dr. Cieslar, Dr. Sieron, Dr. Mrowiec, Prof. Dr. Zmudzinski, Dr. Turczynski, Dr. Adamek, Dr. Becelewski, Dr.Jaskulski:

  • Influence of PEMF on Water- electrolyte balance of animals.
  • Influence of PEMF and IR Laser on the plasma viscosity of animals.
  • Influence of IR Laser on the electric conductivity and dia-electric constants in blood of animals.
  • Influence of PEMF on the electric conductivity and dia-electric constants in the blood of animals.

1997, High European Community Commission from Brussels has chose Alphatron devices as one of the best 10 EU developments for to promote innovative European products in Tokyo by "EU Gateway to Japan"

1998, SPA Clinic Dr. Kobylka -Bad Füssing: Successful report of 40 patients using the Alphatron 4100 and Alphatron 4000.

1999 Alpha Puls Therapy Center Hamburg: Treatment results from 399 patients. 2003 new method developed by Johannes Drzyzga for weight control through own fat burning process. Test of 50 patients within four weeks therapy program showed average weight loss of 5,5 kg, including body-fat loss of 5 kg.

2001-2002, University Clinic Freiburg, Department of Rehabilitation and Preventive Sport Medicine, Prof. Dr.Med. A.Berg, Dr. G.Huber. After elaborate testing, the German National Olympic Committee chose the portable devices, Alphatron 4000 and Alphatron 100, to use before and after events at the German Olympic Teams for Olympic Games in Sydney 2000, Salt Lake City 2002 and Athens 2004.

 2002 , Clinic Dr. M. Frey & Dr.B.Kempa / Bayer Pharmacy Study for:

  • post operative athrosis therapy
  • diabetic gangrene
  • chronic ulcer
  • cartilage regeneration


1998, Vanderbilt University TN, Ophthalmology Professor Ming Wang M.D., Ph.D.: A Novel Treatment of recalcitrant Corneal Ulcer using PEMF Alphatron 4100.

1998, Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Laboratory for Magnetic Brain Stimulation, Department of Neurology, Director Alvaro Pascual-Leone M.D., Ph.D.: Pilot Study on Effects of PEMF on neutral excitability- " The results clearly establishes that PEMF and in particular, the Alphatron 4100) does change neuronal activity in the central nervous system"

1999, Harvard Medical School, Leonard B. Miller M.D., F.A.C.S., - Clinical Instructor Surgery: ongoing pilot studies with the Alphatron 4100 - " After 30 minutes with the arm resting inside Alphatron coil ( at maximum output) a 100 % increase in peripheral was noted..."

other tests 1998 -1999 Yale University , Prof. Lloyd Saberski :" Excellent results with Alphatron 4100 in pain therapy ". Columbia University : research on bone regeneration. (NASA, American astronauts program ).

2006, University of Connecticut, Department of Kinesiology, Human Performance Laboratory , Maren S. Fragala, William J.Kramer, Jeff S. Volek, Barry A. Spiering, Disa L. Hatfield, Jacob L. Vingren, Jen Yu Ho, Cassandra E. Forsythe, Michael J. Puglisi, Jeffrey M.Anderson, Carl M. Maresh : Influences of Regenx, ( Alphatron under American name) a Dietary Supplement in Combination with an Exercise and Diet Regimen on Adipocytokines and Adiposity in woman who are overweight.


 1986 -1989Institute of Parasitology of the Polish Scientifically Academy (PAN) –Warsaw: Dr.Stanislaw Grabiec: Examination of the influence of low-frequency pulsed magnetic field on Peroxydaze . Over 1600 experiments and tests confirm positive influence for increasing enzyme activity.

Dr.Stanislaw Grabiec: Medical paper indicating the positive influence of low-frequency PEMF on life organism.

Medical Academy (university) Warsaw. Rehabilitation Clinic Konstancin. Prof. Dr. Med. Jerzy Kiwerski : Application of pulsating magnetic fields for pain therapy in treatment of spinal column.

Rehabilitation Institute of the Central Clinical Hospital for Ministry of Interior Affairs -Warsaw. Colonel Dr. Bogdan Michalik : The effect of low frequency magnetic field therapy in specific cases.

Silesian Medical Academy (university) Bytom, III Professors Chair & Clinic for internal medicine. Superintendent Professor Dr. Hab. Jerzy Zmudzinski. Dr. Alexander Sieron : Clinical aspects for the application of alternating magnetic fields.

Sport Academy Warsaw - Institute for Biological Regeneration. Prof. Dr. hab. med. T. Mika: Excellent study completed for Polish National Health System.

Health Resort Iwonicz - Pain & Acupuncture Clinic. Dr. Alicja Kaleta : Observation and research of magnetic field therapy in sanatoriums. Excellent opinion.

Sport Injuries Therapy Center - Tarnobrzeg. Director Dr.W.Furgal : Experience with Alphatron 4100 in sport medicine. Dr. W. Furgal, Dr. K.Machowski, Dr.K.Kalita: Clinical aspects in case Osgood - Schlatter disease.

Warsaw Ministry of Health’s Commission of Judgment for Medical Equipment V-Minister Mgr. Inz. Janusz Prokopiak : After one year of testing in seven Polish universities, , the Commission proposed the use of Alphatron 4100 for the Public Health System.

Certificate from Polish Ministry of Health for using Alphatron in Polish National Health System.

Italy / Poland1992, Third World Congress International Society for low-powered laser application in medicine. Bolonia, Modena. Dr. M.Adamek, Dr.A. Sieron, Dr.G.Cieslar:

  • The influence of low-powered IR Laser radiation (Alphatron 4100 connected to the IR Laser Alphatron 72 ML) on erythrocytes in-vivo and in- vitro.
  • The influence of low-powered laser infrared radiation on energetic metabolism of hepatocytes.


2005 - 2006, Munga Center of Family Doctors - Maardu. Dr. Julia Shugailo:

  • Application of PEMF Alphatron 4100-S in the treatment of osteo-arthrosis of 148 patients.
  • Report of treatment of 276 patients using medical device Alphatron 4100-S for pain therapy, heel spurs, disorders of joints, arthrosis, plexites and myosites, conditions after fractures, different sort of nerve injury, carpal tunnel syndrome, facial and trigeminal neuritis , headache and vertigo, maxillary and frontal sinusitis, suppyrating wounds on legs.


1996, Progress in Rheumatology. Volume VI . Proceedings of the 7-th International Seminar on the treatment of Rheumatic Diseases. J.Ma chtey, Ed.Petah Tigra, Israel. Rheumatology Service, Golda Campus, Rabin Medical Center, Kupach Holim Sick Fund. p. 101-105. Dr.A. Sieron, Dr. A.Adamek, Prof.Dr. Zmudzinski- Silesian Medical Academy-Bytom.


1987: Clinic Dr. Electra Pelufo Lupia, Denia/Alicante: Reported saving leg amputation of patient suffering non-union fracture using the Alphatron 4100 and Alphatron 4000.


2000, Ozawa Dental Clinic / Medical Corporation - Tokyo. Fumisada Ozawa D.D.S., Ph.D., Vice-Chairman of the Japan Academy of Occlusion and Health, Chairman of the Academy of Dental Medicine : Acceleration of healing process and bone regeneration of tooth implant using Alphatron therapy. Possible now to apply Alphatron Therapy to osteoporosis’ patients to whom teeth implants are contraindicated.


Six medical center using the Alphatron 4100, Klang , Kuala Lumpur. Dr.Shuah Research :

  • Arthritis
  • Cervico-Braciale Neuralgy
  • Peria-arthritis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Diabetic Gangrene
  • Skin Burning

(see Reference successful cases.)


1998, Caribbean Arthritis & Sport Injuries Center - Nassau . Dr. E. Newry : Excellent results in clinical practice of Trigeminus Neuralgia, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Pain therapy.

Panama and Costa Rica

2004: BioMagnetic Institute Panama , issued their first study results using Alphatron PEMF medical devices(see )


1998, Al-Razi Hospital, Chief Physiotherapist Najiba Hussein Al-Zuabi : Preliminary report about treatment of patients with PEMF using the Alphatron 4100.

Taiwan:     Military hospital in Tainan: Acceptance by Military Health System after extensive testing.

Korea :      Tests completed in two medical universities and 10 hospitals.

Kazakhstan :     2003-2008: After extensive testing, the Ministry of Health issued a certificate to use                               the Alphatron  devices in public hospitals and private practices.

2006, WHO -World Health Organization by United Nation , chose Alphatron for supply program.   code No: 02-08-00241 on page 22 of 214

JCD Techonology GmbH wishes to thank the several- hundred physicians and therapists of human and veterinary medicine on all continents for their cooperation of research, development and continual updates using Alphatron devices.

Special thanks to all the Polish and USA Universities for laboratory research, and also to Pope John Paul II for funding the costs of several Alphatron devices for use by Polish universities.

The grant from the Government of Free City Hamburg to Alpha Electronics GmbH is greatly appreciated.

JCD Technology GmbH (formerly Alpha Electronics GmbH)

Alphatron Therapy Centers in Latin America:

  • Mexico, Paradise Village in Nuevo Vallarta. SPA (Anti-Aging)
  • Mexico, Paradise Village in Nuevo Vallarta. Wellness & Rehabilitation
  • Panama and Costa Rica ( see )
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